Afinal… Varoufakis sempre teve razão!
INACREDITÁVEL O FMI descobriu agora que as mudanças na economia são duras e precisam de tempo. Fantástico!! Desta forma inacreditável o FMI dá razão a Varoufakis e mostra bem a “brincadeira de crianças” que tem sido tudo isto, com objetivo único de aniquilar quem se atreveu a escolher caminhos diferentes – neste caso, e reconhecidamente, […]
O FMI descobriu agora que as mudanças na economia são duras e precisam de tempo. Fantástico!!
Desta forma inacreditável o FMI dá razão a Varoufakis e mostra bem a “brincadeira de crianças” que tem sido tudo isto, com objetivo único de aniquilar quem se atreveu a escolher caminhos diferentes – neste caso, e reconhecidamente, caminhos sensatos e equilibrados. É exatamente isso que agora pede o FMI.
Num comunicado publicado no site do FMI pode ler-se:
“The IMF’s priority remains helping the Greek people through this difficult period of economic turmoil. IMF staff believes that the best way to do this is through the balanced approach laid out in a recent blog by the IMF’s Chief Economist, with Greece taking steps to reform its economy and the country’s European partners providing additional financing and debt relief. As stated by IMF Chief Christine Lagarde, the IMF stands ready to pursue this approach with the Greek authorities and our European partners.
The IMF knows through experience working with its many members that economic change is hard and takes time. This is where the IMF’s financial support comes in, providing a government with the space needed to carry out reforms over time, in a way that protects the most vulnerable and strengthens the economy.”
O texto do blog é este:
Onde se diz: “On the other hand, the European creditors would have to agree to significant additional financing, and to debt relief sufficient to maintain debt sustainability.We believe that, under the existing proposal, debt relief can be achieved through a long rescheduling of debt payments at low interest rates. Any further decrease in the primary surplus target, now or later, would probably require, however, haircuts.
These are tough choices, and tough commitments to be made on both sides. We hope that agreement can be achieved along these lines.”
O press-release de Christine Lagarde (28 de Junho) é este:
Onde se diz: “I continue to believe that a balanced approach is required to help restore economic stability and growth in Greece, with appropriate structural and fiscal reforms supported by appropriate financing and debt sustainability measures. The IMF is prepared to continue to pursue that approach with the Greek authorities and our European partners.”
A afirmação do FMI está aqui:
(Resposta Q1 ao FAQ de nove perguntas)